About Us
A passionate team of digital crime fighters, data wranglers, developers, and professionals transforming how organisations manage payment security.
Since 2014, our New Zealand based team has been developing products to assist a wide range of organisations with multiple business challenges across the areas of payment security and anti-money-laundering compliance (AML).
Our Company Firsts
Company Founded
February 2014
Research & Proof of Concept
April 2015
First Hire
Development team starts
May 2015
First Beta Customers
July 2015
First Paying Customers
August 2015
First Funding Round
November 2015
FirstGlobal Compliance
Standard PCI DSS
August 2016
First Fraud Detected $95k
BEC Fraud attempt stopped
First Machine Learning Project STRATUS $6M NZ
Government Funded invitation
March 2017
First Tech Awards
September 2017
First Government Data Set Integration
NZ Financial Intelligence Unit
September 2018
First Billion Dollars Analysed
May 2019
First Major Bank Integration
ASB Bank feeds
June 2019
First private company RealMe integration
May 2020
First 100 Organisations
May 2021
First Cross-border Transaction Monitoring begins
Cross-border transactions analysis
February 2023
Selected as Collaboration Partner by ANZ Australia
To assist their corporate and institutional clients with domestic and cross border payments and to detect fraud and errors.
July 2024
"My mission is to use technology in innovative ways to help organisations work more effectively. I love speaking with clients where we have made a real impact."
- Sam MacGeorge
Founder & CEO

Our company (Vigilance Limited) have two products currently in market, VigilantPay - a fraud and error detection software for medium to large, global organisations, and VigilanceAML - an anti-money-laundering software specifically designed for New Zealand based law and accounting firms.
If you are interested in joining our growing family of developers, business developers, support team and marketers, please drop us a line at info@vigilantpay.com.
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