Will the Bank's new COP service help NZ Business?
What are the tangible benefits of using this service for my business?
Directors and Boards on notice with recent ruling
A new legal precedent has been set after a company paid a $190k false invoice and was ordered by the court to pay the original invoice as well
Mushrooming Mule Accounts Fueling Fraud
Banks are facing complex issues with mule accounts being used to channel fraudulent funds through legitimate accounts.
VigilantPay Hosts Roundtable on Fraud
VigilantPay recently hosted a series of roundtables for C-Suite, CFO's and directors to discuss the prickly problem of fraud.
National Business Review Interviews VigilantPay
Vigilant Pay was chosen by ANZ Institution Australia to explore cross-border payment safety.
VigilantPay to collaborate with ANZ Bank
ANZ to collaborate with VigilantPay on cross border payment security.
Employee defrauded £20 million in deep fake video scam
Company warns of the convincing nature of video deep fakes.
Scam losses expected to reach $1.5 billion in Australia by 2027
Rising numbers of automatic push payment scams and real-time payment fraud is set to cost Australians over $1.5 billion annually by 2027.
68% of Kiwis want government regulated fraud protections
Currently, there are no guaranteed protections for customers who have suffered from fraud to have their money reimbursed.